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Best Practices For Employers Expanding Into Global Recruiting

Map of the world with pins in several different countries.

Recruiting international employees has many benefits for employers but requires making some changes to your hiring and background check process. Whether you’re expanding globally or seeking international candidates, our best practices will help you recruit and screen candidates in multiple countries while maintaining speed, accuracy, and compliance.

There are countless benefits for employers that are ready to expand their reach globally. Recruiting international employees helps:

  • Expand your company’s overall talent and skill
  • Reach new audiences
  • Tap into new skill sets
  • Build a more diverse workforce 
  • Enhance global reach and impact
  • Grow the company’s cultural knowledge and expertise
  • And much more

In fact, seven in 10 US companies consider foreign workers very or extremely important to their talent strategies. What’s more, the COVID-19 pandemic has also forced many employers to shift mindsets and embrace virtual workspaces. It’s no longer about recruiting candidates to work in-office; companies now can allow employees to work from virtually anywhere—including internationally.

Whether you’re opening new locations globally, or planning to recruit international talent, GoodHire is sharing best practices for employers expanding into global recruiting and staffing.

Embrace A Global Mindset

First, if you don’t already, you need to treat your company like a global company. Not just for consumers—but for potential international employees. Update all company touchpoints with appropriate global messaging and job postings. A good rule of thumb? Don’t make international candidates search for information; make it readily available to them via your website, recruitment sites, social profiles, etc.

Next, ensure your company is armed with the right tools and tactics to support international workers. Consider building relationships (or hiring) recruiters in the countries you’re seeking candidates. This allows US companies to expand availability to candidates in all countries that span several different time zones and languages.

Employers should also strongly consider standardizing processes and technologies across the board. Invest in secure programs and software that can work on a global scale and ensure a smooth virtual onboarding process. In addition, develop templated international documents with accurate language, phrasing, and terms specific to each country. And, to strengthen the recruitment process, create multiple touchpoints throughout to ensure that no matter which country or countries you’re recruiting from, candidates will have the same branded experience.

Understand Differences In Cultures

In addition to embracing a global mindset, you’ll need to develop and launch more in-depth recruitment strategies. Before you get started, though, it’s important to understand differences in cultures that may change how you engage with and recruit candidates in different international locations.

Recruiting techniques

Some recruiting techniques may work better in some countries than others. For example, candidates in more digitally advanced countries can be recruited through digital channels like online job boards and recruitment sites, LinkedIn, and owned social media channels. 

On the other hand, some countries may practice recruitment techniques that involve more traditional channels, like newspaper ads and job listings. If you’re using international recruiters, work closely with them to understand, develop and implement the best strategies for reaching candidates where they’re looking for employment.

Supply & demand

As employers begin to recruit international candidates, you should understand that different parts of the world may have more intense recruiting competition. Similarly, certain countries may also offer talent with unique areas of expertise (e.g., technology, engineering, etc.). Knowing and understanding which countries and regions to recruit from—like developing niche talent pools—can help narrow in on top talent that aligns with your company’s business goals.

Potential language barriers

Try to gain a better understanding of potential language barriers and cultural nuances when drafting recruitment messaging and interview questions. For example, in Indonesia, many refrain from using the word ‘no’ because it implies a negative connotation. Therefore, asking candidates simple yes or no questions may prove more challenging. Work with your international recruiting team to develop appropriate questions that help you better assess candidates’ backgrounds and experiences.

Educational backgrounds

Employers also need to understand the differences in countries’ educational systems. For example, what a US employer may consider as a job qualification (like a bachelor’s or master’s degree), may not be the same in other countries.

Salary & compensation

Finally, ensure you have a good understanding of different currencies in each country you’re recruiting in. Research average salaries for positions you’re hiring for to get a better idea of what those ranges are in different countries, as they’re likely to vary. That way, you’re prepared to set expectations and adhere to your budget.

Conduct International Background Checks

Conducting International Background Checks on global candidates is an essential part of the screening and hiring process, and allows you to screen candidates who live outside the US. 

Partner with a screening provider that offers US checks as well as International Background Checks in the countries where you’re hiring to save time and frustration during the order and review processes. 

Although international employees may never be in the office (or in the States), it’s still important to be consistent with your company’s screening policy, and conduct thorough screenings on all new hires to help ensure you’re hiring trustworthy, qualified candidates. 

GoodHire offers International Background Checks as an add-on service, making it easy to screen global candidates when you need to. TALK TO SALES

So, what types of international background checks are available for candidates living outside the US?

Types of International Background Checks

International Criminal Records

This screening returns criminal records, including criminal convictions, and any pending criminal cases, in whichever country the candidate currently lives in.

International Employment Verification

An International Employment Verification helps you assess whether a candidate is qualified for the job based on work experience they claim to have. Each check confirms the job title(s) and dates for one employer in a country outside of the US. You can order as many as needed.

International Education Verification

This screening confirms attendance dates as well as degrees, diplomas, or certificates earned in another country outside of the US.

Remember: When conducting background checks for international candidates (or US candidates with international experience), it’s important to note that each country may have additional application checklists that require more information and forms. 

Additionally, each country has different turnaround times for results, so be sure to plan accordingly during the hiring process.

Understand International Compliance

When screening international candidates, employers must remain compliant and adhere to any applicable international data protection laws, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and must use a screener that complies with data protection requirements. These laws may regulate the transfer and processing of personal data from a specific country to the US.

Employers who don’t comply with these regulations are subject to fines and risk damaging their reputation in the US and abroad. 

If you use GoodHire, you can feel confident that we meet GDPR requirements and international data protection laws, provide necessary forms for employers running international background checks, and maintain compliance with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) in the US. 

Arm Yourself With The Best Tools For Global Recruiting & Staffing

Expanding recruiting on a global level has many benefits for employers, but requires additional planning and forethought when getting started. No matter what, it’s important to remain diligent throughout the screening and hiring process, and use systems and tools that help you recruit candidates in multiple countries while maintaining speed, accuracy, and compliance.

With add-on International Background Checks from GoodHire, you can get the information you need on a case-by-case basis, so you’re only paying for the information you need, when you need it. 

GoodHire helps you navigate the international screening process to ensure your company:

  • Meets requirements to conduct background checks in specific countries.
  • Has access to the correct requirements, documents, and more.
  • Is equipped to navigate each country’s unique screening protocol.
  • Has one go-to source for all your screening needs.

GoodHire offers 100’s of screening services. Start screening your international candidates with our fast, reliable background check platform.

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The resources provided here are for educational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. We advise you to consult your own counsel if you have legal questions related to your specific practices and compliance with applicable laws.

About the Author

Ashley Blonquist is a former news journalist. She writes about GoodHire’s employment screening services and how employers use them to make informed hiring decisions.