Background Checks
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How To Screen Candidates With International Experience On Their Resumes

A professional woman walking down a street in London.

Background screenings for US-based candidates with international work or education experience could miss key information, such as criminal records, employment history, and education credentials.

Find out what additional steps to take to get a complete picture of these candidates and how a background check provider that offers international screening services can help.

Conducting thorough screenings for job candidates is a crucial part of any hiring process. Screenings like criminal background checks, MVR checks, employment verification, and more can provide detailed insight into a candidate to make the most informed hiring decisions.

But if a US-based candidate has current or previous international experience on their resumes—for example, they studied or worked in a country outside of the US—you could be left with a gap in their overall background information such as criminal records, employment history, and education credentials. 

As a result, employers need to take additional steps to ensure you have a complete and accurate understanding of these unique candidates, and you’ll need to use a background check provider that provides international screening services. 

Here, GoodHire is sharing what you need to know about screening US-based candidates with international experience on their resumes.

First, Conduct Standard Screenings

First thing’s first, you’ll want to conduct your suite of screenings you typically use for new candidates, as outlined in your company’s background check policy and which align with the position the candidate is applying for. 

For example, common pre-employment screenings include:

  • Criminal background checks provide insight into candidates’ criminal histories on a national, federal, state, and county level in the US, depending on the searches included in your screening package. 
  • Education Verification checks help identify any discrepancies between a candidate’s resume and their actual educational history by accessing a database of more than 5,300 educational institutions, or contacting the institution directly. With this type of screening, you can confirm a candidate’s dates of attendance, degree or credentials.
  • Employment Verification checks also help identify discrepancies in job history listed on resumes and job applications by verifying dates of employment and titles for positions held in the US.
  • Driving Record (MVR) Checks, also called a Motor Vehicle Report (MVR), is typically conducted for positions where the employee will be operating a motor vehicle, such as delivery drivers, chauffeurs, commercial drivers, or any employee using a company vehicle. MVR checks help you hire candidates with safe driving records.
  • Professional Reference Checks help you can gather more in-depth information about candidates to better understand how they perform in the workplace. This is usually done through open-ended questions posed to professional references provided by candidates.

Next, Add International Background Checks 

If you have a candidate currently living in the US who has previously lived, worked or studied abroad, an International Background Check can reveal any criminal records in the country where they lived, as well as confirm education and employment history for a school they attended or job they held in another country. This helps cover any gaps for a candidate who has international experience on their resume. 

For Criminal History: International Criminal Records Check

An international criminal records check can be conducted for each country the candidate lived, worked, and/or studied in. This background check will return any criminal records for the country selected, including felony or misdemeanor convictions and pending criminal cases. 

For comprehensive coverage, you’ll want to run an International criminal background check for each country the candidate lived, studied or worked in. For example, if a candidate’s international resume reveals they lived and worked in both Greece and France in the last three years, you may wish to run a criminal background check in each country. 

For Employment History: International Employment Verification

Similar to an Employment Verification for US-based positions, this screening confirms job titles and dates of employment for a position where a candidate was employed abroad. This check is useful for checking international employment and confirms whether the candidate actually worked at a company where they claimed to have worked, and helps you assess whether they’re qualified for the job based on their work experience.

International Employment Verifications work the same way abroad as they do in the US—you’ll need to order one for each position held. If your candidate worked multiple jobs in more than one country, simply add an International Employment Verification check for each position.  

For Education History: International Education Verification

No matter where your candidate received their degree, you’ll want to verify its validity to confirm your candidate’s qualifications. If your candidate studied in a country outside of the US, an International Education Verification check helps you confirm attendance dates, as well as any degrees, diplomas or certificates earned.

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Maintain FCRA Compliance 

For candidates with international experience on their resumes who are currently residing in the US, FCRA and local compliance laws still apply. 

As an employer, it’s important to ensure all necessary documents and procedures are in place from the start, including:

  • Obtaining written permission from the applicant first and notifying them that you may use the results in your hiring decision. 
  • Following the adverse action process if you’re considering not hiring an applicant based on information reported in a background check.

A Note About Candidates Currently Living Abroad

If your organization is expanding into international recruiting, you’ll need to conduct screenings on candidates who live in countries outside of the US. In these instances, an International Criminal Background Check can be conducted for the country the candidate is currently living in, but not any other country. 

International Employment and Education Verification screenings, however, can still be performed in any of the 223 countries that GoodHire covers.

Screen Candidates With International Experience With Confidence

Candidates with international experience can be an exceptional addition to any company. But knowing their full background information—including in the US and countries they’ve lived, worked, or studied in—is crucial to hiring qualified candidates and protecting your company.

GoodHire can conduct International Background Checks (criminal records, employment and education verifications) for US-based candidates in 223 countries, as well as candidates living 50+ countries outside of the US. 

Keep in mind that each individual country may have additional application checklists that require more information and forms. Also, remember to be mindful of how long international screenings may take, as every country has different turnaround times for results.

With add-on International Background Checks from GoodHire, you can get the information you need on a case-by-case basis, so you’re only paying for the international background check you need when you need it.

GoodHire offers 100’s of screening services. Start screening your international candidates with our fast, reliable background check platform.

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About the Author

Ashley Blonquist is a former news journalist. She writes about GoodHire’s employment screening services and how employers use them to make informed hiring decisions.